Several members gathered in December for food and fun!
Archive for year: 2021
The Visual Art Society of Bryan-College Station is excited to announce our Annual Members Only Show to be held October 1-October 30, 2021 at DEGALLERY in Bryan, TX. This call is open themed and welcomes submissions from all current members. Not a member or need to renew? Do that here!
Accepting all 2D & 3D art. No reproductions accepted.
There is NO theme for the show. All experience levels are encouraged to enter!
The entry fee is $33 for up to 3 entries per member. $10 per additional entry. Maximum of 5 total entries per member.
Submission Guidelines
Original 2D or 3D works which have not been shown in any previous Visual Art Society of Bryan-College Station or Brazos Valley Art League show are eligible.
Enhanced giclée or other prints are not acceptable if they comprise more than 40% of a submitted work.
The show is open to all members, whose membership is current, of the Visual Art Society of Bryan-College Station. Member dues/application form must be submitted prior to entering the show.
Accepted Works
Works should be family-friendly and fall under one of the following categories. The artist selects the category.
Painting: oil, acrylic, watercolor; Digital Art; Photography; Collage; Mixed Media; Pastels; Drawing; Textile Art; Sculpture, 3-D
Preparing Art for Exhibit
All works accepted for the show must meet the following guidelines for display.
- All artwork must be completely dry and ready to hang or display when submitted during intake for the show/exhibit. VAS reserves the right to exclude works from the exhibition that are not gallery-ready and professional in presentation.
- 2-D artwork must have wire hangers (no saw tooth hangers).
- Wire hardware should be attached 1/4-1/3 of the way down the backside on both left and right sides.
- Drawings and pastels must be under glass or acrylic.
- All sculptures/pottery must have a stable base.
- All submissions must have labels attached to the back of each piece which lists:
- Artist Name, email & phone
- Title of Art
- Category
- Selling Price
- If any piece of artwork is extremely large, heavy, or particularly fragile, then special arrangements must be made with the the Visual Art Society BCS for its display. All artwork must fit comfortably through show location doors.
- Works may or may not be for sale. Artist sets the selling price.
- Commissions from sales will be divided with 60% to the artist, 20% to VASBCS, 20% to DEGALLERY.
- All works sold must remain in the show until closing.
- All art must be picked up during the allotted time unless special arrangements have been made ahead of time by contacting
Pricing Your Art
Although you are not required to sell your entries, please remember this show is an opportunity to display your art as well as a fundraiser for our organization. When pricing your art, please consider the local art market and price accordingly. Higher priced items are less likely to sell. Rarely do pieces priced over $1000 actually sell in our shows. If you need assistance with pricing, please let us know.
Important Dates
- Entry Deadline: Midnight, September 20, 2021
- Notification of Accepted Pieces: September 23, 2021
- Show Intake: Accepted works must be dropped off September 27,2021, 2:30pm-6:30pm; at DEGALLERY, 930 N Rosemary Dr., Bryan TX. Special arrangements may be requested by contacting
- Show Opening Reception: Friday, October 1, 2021, 6-8pm at DEGALLERY
- Show Closing: October 30, 2021
- Art Pick up: All art must be picked up on Saturday, October 30, 2021, 1:30pm – 4:30pm at DEGALLERY, 930 N Rosemary Dr., Bryan TX
In the event there are more entries than DeGallery can comfortably exhibit, the show committee may limit the number of entries displayed per artist. The show committee reserves to right to exclude politically or sexually charged entries. Feel free to contact the Show Chair with questions by emailing