Take a look at our June 2024 newsletter. A new look from our new secretary, Joana Rocha. You can always glance at our old newsletters HERE.

The Visual Art Society is proud to announce three winners of our $500 scholarships to high school seniors graduating (by August 2024) from a high school located in Bryan/College Station and who plan a course of study and a career in the visual arts. We had problems deciding between the top applicants, so we decided to offer scholarships to three deserving students: Norah Robinson from Bryan High School, Melanie Sweet from College View High School and Margaret Whitten from A&M Consolidated High School.
Congratulations to all three winners! They and their families are invited to the closing reception of our Spring Judged Show, “Art in Bloom,” coming up on Friday, July 26th 6-8pm at Degallery. Come by to meet them.
All artists are welcome to join their fellow artists for free in the Community Paint Out Day – plein air painting downtown Bryan during the Downtown Bryan Street & Art Fair , on Saturday April 5 10am-6pm, but we want you to register on the form below. There are extra benefits if you are a VAS member (only $45 to join). If you are not a VAS member, we would love to have you join us, but you are responsible for your own tent (you must sign up on the above link – 10’x10′ booth is $200) and sales. Either way, we would like you to register if you are planning to participate on April 5. Anyone who registers, member or not, can come to the Meet and Greet held on Friday, April 4, 2025 6-8pm at Degallery. The form is at the bottom of the page.
This is the kick-off event for Degallery’s “DEGART International Art Event” April 4-11, 2025 for local, national and international artists & art lovers. It’s a week of plein air opportunities and more! Additional information, schedule and registration for the week-long event can be found HERE.
VAS members have the following opportunities – most are free:
- Attendence at Meet & Greet with DEGART’s invited artists and guests on Friday, April 4, 2025 at Degallery, 930 N Rosemary Dr, Bryan, TX 77802. Please register below.
- Participation at Community Day Paint Out at the Downtown Bryan Street & Art Fair on Saturday, April 5, 2025.
VAS/Degallery will have a tent, so VAS members can sell their art, prints, etc. if they help at the tent for morning or afternoon shifts. Contact Wendy at president@visualartsociety.org to sign up for a time slot. Sales will be handled by VAS; artists get 80% and VAS retains 20%. If plein air art is sold that day, artists get 80%, VAS gets 10% and 10% goes to a charity chosen by Degallery. - Free participation in all paint outs and demonstrations for free during DEGART’s many plein air events. However, VAS members must sign up and pay for any workshops (10% off) and if you wish to attend the gala, you must purchase a ticket.
- Degallery is planning a show during the event of plein air art and members are welcome to apply to enter their plein art work. Your art must be preapproved by the Show Chair. The artist will receive 60% of any sales. More information to come.
This is the kick-off event for Degallery’s “DEGART International Art Event” April 4-11, 2025 for local, national and international artists & art lovers. It’s a week of plein air opportunities and more! Additional information, schedule and registration for the week-long event can be found HERE.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Visual Art Society of Bryan-College Station, we would love to have you. It is $45/yr for adults, $10 for students and $80 for families. Here is the LINK to sign up to be a member!
Here is our colorful, informative April 2024 Newsletter! Lots of great things in store. You can delve into our old archived newsletters HERE (the direct link is under the About tab).
To allow everyone a bit longer to finish up their entries to our 2024 spring judged show “Art in Bloom”, the entry deadline is extended to Saturday, April 20. The show itself has been extended to July 30, since Degallery will be closed for a few weeks this summer. The extension gives more time for the public to view and hopefully purchase your art.
Calling all volunteers to help VAS in Paint Out Bryan 2024 April 12-13. We already have many artists participating in our Plein Air event, but we need help to pull it off. Please sign up on this google document. All volunteers can bring prints & small originals in a box, small stand or basket to sell. VAS gets 20% and will manage all sales and sales tax. For more information, click HERE. It was lots of fun last year and the volunteers had good sales.

It’s that time of year for art scholarships to Bryan-College Station students!
The Visual Art Society is offering two $500 scholarships to high school seniors graduating (by August 2024) from a high school located in Bryan/College Station and who plan a course of study and a career in the visual arts. Applications are due before 5:00 PM, Friday, April 26, 2024. Go to https://www.visualartsociety.org/scholarships/ for the application form!
Here is our colorful, informative February 2024 Newsletter! Lots of great things in store. You can delve into our old archived newsletters HERE (the direct link is under the About tab).
CALL FOR ART for our spring 2024 Judged Show – open to all artists! Our next show is “Art in Bloom – A Feast for the Senses.” Artist deadline is Sunday, April 14, 2024. Lots of ribbons and cash prizes! Check it out HERE!
We are very lucky to have a June Dudley 3-day workshop, “Using Color & Design in the Landscape”! It will be May 1-3, 2024 at Degallery. The cost is $350 ($325 for VAS members). All the registration information is HERE. The maximum number of people that can attend is only 12, so register early!