Learn about Paint Out Bryan 4/12-13
with Mindy Austin
Mindy Austin, our publicity chair, is in charge of our plein air event: Paint Out Bryan 2024 in conjunction with the Downtown Bryan Street and Art Fair and Destination Bryan. She will be sharing details in a short presentation about this celebration of plein air. Learn more and apply to join us on this WEBSITE. Registration is free and there are cash prizes! Deadline to sign up is extended to April 10.
Art & Craft Rummage Sale
Have art & craft supplies, including art books that you no longer need? Donate them to VAS for an art rummage sale. Attendees can pick out what they want for a donation to VAS.
Doors open at DEGALLERY at 5:30pm for our April meeting. There will be light refreshments. Come by a bit early, bring your rummage sale items, chat and catch up!