Upcoming Events

VAS Board Meeting 4-3-25


The VAS Board will meet at 7pm, Thursday April 3 on Zoom.  Our board meetings are open to members, so if you would like to attend and if you are a member good standing, please email Wendy Keeney-Kennicutt at president@visualartsociety.org at least the day before for meeting id information.

Deadline for VAS Spring Judged Show: April 7, 2025


The Visual Art Society of B-CS invites submissions to “All Things Bright & Beautiful”. Our spring judged show will be on display at Degallery April 18 - May 16, 2025, and is open to all artists. We accept works from emerging, mid-career, and/or professional artists. Acceptable mediums include Acrylic, Charcoal, Collage, Color Pencil, Computer Art, […]

April 14, 2025 VAS Meeting: What’s on Your Easel?

DEGALLERY 930 N Rosemary Dr., Bryan, TX, United States

  What's On Your Easel? Our April meeting will be focused on you! Let's share a piece or 2 we are working on or have just finished!   Bring your artwork to the meeting (no frames required).  Tell us what you are doing; don't be shy.  Maybe it's a photograph, a sketch or drawing, a […]

VAS “Lunch Together”, Wednesday, 4-23-25

To Be Announced

Come join us Wednesday 4-23-25 11:30am-1pm for our April "Lunch Together."  Place to be determined. All members and future members are most welcome! If you want to be a member, you can join VAS HERE.  We would love to have you! We'll chat, share feedback on our current projects and everything else.